Mese: Aprile 2024

Long-term survival of a patient with advanced pancreatic cancer under adjunct treatment with Viscum album extracts: A case report

Paul G Werthmann, Robert Kempenich, Gerlinde Lang-Avé...

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Long-Term Tumor-Free Survival in a Patient with Stage IV Epithelial Ovarian Cancer Undergoing High-Dose Chemotherapy and Viscum album Extract Treatment: A Case Report

Paul G Werthmann; Robert Kempenich; Gunver S ...

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La coscienza: il Santo Gral della conoscenza

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Expert consensus-based clinical recommendation for an integrative anthroposophic treatment approach to acute tonsillitis in childhood

Rebecca Büttner, Melanie Schwermer, Thomas Ostermann, ...

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How Physicians and Nursing Staff Perceive Effectiveness and Tolerability of Bryophyllum Preparations: An Online Survey in an Anthroposophic Hospital

Tiffany Huber, Daniel Krüerke, Ana Paula ...

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Verbale CD 21.01.2024

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Verbale CD Zoom 26.11.2023

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Sui passi di Francesco
Il cantico delle creature

31 maggio, 1 - 2 giugno 2024
Santuario La Verna ...

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Formazione webinar Weleda in ostetricia

Formazione webinar Weleda -
17 aprile 2024
28 ...

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