Convegno Internazionale annuale
della Sezione di Medicina
Il corpo eterico come sorgente di forze evolutive
15–18 settembre 2016
Dear Friends of Anthroposophic Medicine,
A particularly warm invitation to this year’s annual conference:
We intend to work on a subject which belongs to the central assignments
Rudolf Steiner gave to the physicians to take away with them:
understanding the task of the substances in the world.
It is the substances in nature, the cosmos and human beings to whose
selfless service all beings owe their existence on earth. They are,
furthermore, the bearers of the transformative and developmental
impulses which allow for illness and healing in the various layers of a
person’s being – at a physical, soul and spiritual level, as well as in the
social context of a given destiny.
We intend to examine and work on this mysterious alchemy from many
different sides and seek to understand it further in lectures and over 50
specialist and interdisciplinary working groups.
From a social perspective this annual conference marks the conclusion of
Michaela Glöckler’s work as head of the Section and the transfer of
responsibility to Matthias Girke and his deputy Georg Soldner.
We look forward to seeing you!
Matthias Girke, Michaela Glöckler and Georg Soldner
On behalf of the collegium of the International Coordination of
Anthroposophic Medicine/IKAM:
Andreas Arendt, Roland Bersdorf, Laura Borghi, Marion Debus, Ad and
Henriette Dekkers, René de Winter, Jan Feldmann, Tanja Geib, Stefan
Geider, Rüdiger Grimm, Rolf Heine, Christina Hinderlich, Hartmut Horn,
Andreas Jäschke, Angelika Jaschke, Kirstin Kaiser, Helmut Kiene, Manfred
Kohlhase, Petra Kühne, David Martin, Elma Pressel, Sabine Ringer,
Alexander Schadow, Ellen Schneider, Stefan Schmidt-Troschke, Heike
Sommer, Anna Sophia Werthmann
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